I am well aware that this is not a post about marketing your music, the state of the music business, or Music Publicity.

But it is #NationalPieDay! 

And, since I often preach that you shouldn’t always focus on your music when you are online and you can always be diverse…. This is a post regarding my second love: Food.


This recipe was taught to me by my father Gordon Hyatt who is a masterful chef.

This pie will make people do things for you.

It is easy to make and takes minutes to assemble.


So, take a break from music marketing and hit the kitchen!


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Pie Crust:

I buy frozen pie crust (deep dish)

but if you like to make pie crust you can do that too.

For this my friend made Julia Child’s recipe (pictured) Google it, it’s everywhere.









2 1/2 – 3 cups of blueberries

Juice & zest of 1 lemon

½ cup sugar

1-2 tablespoons corn starch

zest both lemons (remember don’t grate the white of the lemon just the yellow exterior flesh)

you will use half for the filling and half for the crumb topping – so set half aside!

juice 1 lemon and combine juice, half of the zest, sugar, and cornstarch with blueberries, –  toss lightly together in a bowl – use your fingers don’t mash those gorgeous berries up

transfer to pie crust (pile it in, it’s ok if its higher than the edges of the pie)

Crumb Topping:

1 stick butter (frozen or very cold)
1 cup flour w/ 1/2 teaspoon salt (you can use all purpose gluten free flour if hat’s your thing)
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon fresh nutmeg – grated
zest from 1 lemon

dice the butter into small cubes

toss into bowl with flour, sugar, nutmeg & zest – knead this like play dough (use your hands and manipulate till it forms a crumbly consistency)

drizzle crumb topping on top of blueberries and cover them completely “sealing” the crumb topping to the edges of the pie crust.













for 25 – 35 minutes until topping is golden brown

serve with ice cream or whipped cream

For whipped cream just whip 1 pt heavy cream with a splash of vanilla and a dash of maple syrup


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