12 Q’s For A Non-Egotistical Artist Bio

Your musicians bio, which we call a signature story here at Cyber PR, is one of the most important aspects of your brand.
Today more than ever before having a compelling story may even be the thing that attracts a potential fan to you (before even hearing your music).
These 12 Questions will help you prepare to create a compelling and non-egotistical bio
- Process we use here at Cyber PR with clients
- Developed by Ariel & Lorne (our go-to bio writer)
Your Artist Bio needs to have a place of honor on your website
It also needs to be thoughtfully shortened for each of your socials (and if it’s a part of your brand you should consider an emoji or two!) so that new fans can find out who you are.
You want to present yourself and your brand accurately, so you should be updating your artist bio a few times every year to reflect what is happing in your release cycle or career.
But, how exactly do you make effective improvements to your signature story, take a step back, and reassess?
We’ll help you.
These 12 Questions will help you prepare to create a compelling and non-egotistical bio
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