By now you probably know that the thing that will help you create a long-lasting career in the music industry is communicating with your fan base regularly and consistently. This means sending a monthly newsletter. But a lot of artists still struggle with sending a...
One part of creating a successful business (which you need to do as an artist) is identifying your target market and within that, your ideal customer. This is the archetype you should direct your brand, your messaging, and your social posts towards. Don’t get caught...
Here’s An Oldie but goodie from Derek Sivers & Me! No matter what social network you decide you love and use the most (hello Instagram!) or hate (Twitter), or how often you send your newsletter, or how many shows you perform in a year, or how many different...
Out of your online following, how many true “fans” do you actually have — people who know you, like you, trust you and would part with money to hire or support you? Do you know what your ultimate fan wants? And are there 50, 100, 1,000? How do you communicate with...
If you have been following all 9 parts of Social Media House you may have noticed that I talk about Newsletters in every single one of them. This is because newsletters are the most important part of your online strategy. While social media is key for attracting your...
There are 2 things to consider when you think of blogs – your strategy for getting featured and reviewed on music blogs, and if/how to start a blog of your own. This part of Social Media House will teach you about the easiest blogging platforms, and how to blog...